Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Do I Look?

Like most people (women especially!) I'm concerned with how I look. I love to shop and spend time seeking out the cutest outfits, matching shoes, trendy accessories.... the total package! Even though I'll never be a skinny gal, I still want to look my best. I'm the type of girly girl that has to wear jewelry and perfume EVERYWHERE I go, even to the gym! I want to wear the latest fashions (just in a slightly larger size), have my nails/toes done, get my hair done, all the things to help me look my best. In short, I want to look the best that I possibly can! And, if people should happen to notice; well, that's just a bonus! However, I often am too focused on my outward appearance and what people think of me. The Bible says, "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'" I Samuel 16:7 (NIV) Wow! I should focus more on my inward self.... my kindness, my self-control, my patience (ouch, that's a tough one!), my gentleness.... all the fruits of the Spirit. I should focus on my relationship with God.... do I spend time with Him daily? Worshipping? Reading the Bible? Talking (Praying) to Him? Imagine the relationship I would have with Him if I spent as much time on these things instead of shopping, getting pampered, fixing my hair/makeup, etc. That's not to say that it is wrong to look your best, how we look can impact our witness! However, I will be judged more strongly on my actions than my appearance. Proverbs 31:30 tells us, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting (vain); but a woman who fears (reveres) the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." Do my works for God deserve praise? Sadly, not always. All of the compliments I receive for my outward appearance mean nothing. The better question is not, "How Do I Look?" but rather, "How is my heart?" Lord, help me to be always mindful that you do not judge me by my looks, rather, you see my heart. You see the true me that no one else knows. You know my thoughts, feelings, and motives. Help me to always seek to please You in these ways. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Margaret, You do dress very cute. I have had the privilege to be around you and notice the inner beauty of a sunny personality, a fun spirit, kindness to people old enough to be your mother, and a born teacher. I would have loved to have had my children in your class. Who am I kidding I would have loved to have been in your class. You are a wonderful person inside and out.
    L. Black
